How long do you leave a CBD fask mask on?

In recent years, since the start of the pandemic, the term “face mask” has taken a slightly different meaning and the first thing we think of is not always the soothing oil we put on our faces but instead the irritating, sweat collecting masks we have been forced to wear to cover our mouths and noses in public.

Despite sharing the same name, the 2 types of face masks are completely different, with the oil based face masks being the more therapeutic remedy that will fight against damaged skin and give you a healthier looking face.

Face masks that customers apply for the purpose of rejuvenating their skin is a quick fix that  offers positive results in a short amount of time. When added to a daily skin care routine, the long-term benefits can give you a younger look and less irritations.

CBD Face Masks

Like with most industries, we are always on the lookout for the next best thing that is going to take the market to the next level. For skin care, that next best thing seems to be CBD. It has  become quite clear that CBD is a chemical compound that when used in a variety of products, can provide us with both physical and mental benefits. The topical CBD effectiveness is making it a leading formula for health products.

A type of CBD product that is starting to grow in popularity are CBD face masks. These face masks work in the same way most face masks work, however the results are better thanks to the important added ingredient of CBD, which is short for cannabidiol.

How Long Do You Leave It On For?

There really isn’t a set time for leaving a CBD face mask on for. Typically, customers leave the face masks on for around 15-20 minutes in order to reap all of the benefits from the face mask. During this time, the face mask will target any inflammations or irritations of the skin, as well as hydrating it so that once the mask is removed, your skin will instantly look and feel better.

By taking off the face mask prematurely, you won’t be able to experience all of the benefits and you may potentially feel underwhelmed with the results, especially when a product like this is hyped up to be so successful.

Applying a face mask and removing it can be done with ease, we have created a quick and easy guide below that you can follow:

  1. Cleanse your face prior to applying the face mask. This is to remove any dirt or muskiness.
  2. Apply the face mask, making sure your placement is correct.
  3. Leave the mask on for the given time. In the meantime, you can relax, or have a cup of tea, or do anything to help pass the time.
  4. Slowly peel the mask off and allow the moisture to dry into your skin, as it contains a lot of healing properties.
  5. Wait for the results to show, some will be instant, whereas others will be visible the next day.

Although this is a quick fix, it is something that needs to be done regularly for optimal results. There are many more CBD products that offer similar benefits that we highly recommend, for example CBD massage oil (50ml, 500g CBD), balms, gummies, vapes (CBG Eliquids) and more.

Monika Wasserman
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